

Here’s a throwback to when we took rescued yellow baboon Pretzel for an X-ray. When young Pretzel first came to Lilongwe Wildlife Centre, she was clearly suffering from rickets as a result of a poor diet while being kept in captivity on a short chain. Amazingly, given the ordeal Pretzel had clearly been through, she […]

Here’s a throwback to when we took rescued yellow baboon Pretzel for an X-ray. When young Pretzel first came to Lilongwe Wildlife Centre, she was clearly suffering from rickets as a result of a poor diet while being kept in captivity on a short chain.

Amazingly, given the ordeal Pretzel had clearly been through, she was a bright and bouncy character from day one. Given Pretzel’s fragile condition, we started her rehabilitation process slowly.

We took Pretzel to our friends at the Lilongwe Society for the Protection and Care of Animals for an X-ray to understand how her rickets was developing – and whether it would be safe to allow her outside. After some good news, we were able to integrate Pretzel successfully into a troop where most of the baboons were rescued from the illegal pet trade like her.

Malawi Wildlife Rescue is a Love Nature Original Series,
distributed by Blue Ant Media and produced by Icon Films.

Sponsor Pretzel and the troop she now calls family