

(Project: Wildlife Centre – Rescue & Research) This serval kitten was rescued from a roadside seller in Blantyre (South Malawi) by our partners, African Parks, last week, who sent him straight up to our team at LWT’s Wildlife Centre. He was understandably jumpy and dehydrated but otherwise in excellent health, estimated to be a month old […]

(Project: Wildlife Centre – Rescue & Research)

This serval kitten was rescued from a roadside seller in Blantyre (South Malawi) by our partners, African Parks, last week, who sent him straight up to our team at LWT’s Wildlife Centre. He was understandably jumpy and dehydrated but otherwise in excellent health, estimated to be a month old and is already weighing in at 1kg…a whole bag of sugar!  He is currently being bottle fed with a special milk formula that includes all the nutrients he needs.  As soon as he is settled in he will be fed from a bowl to keep human contact to a minimum and give him the best chance of survival in the wild.

It costs us $200 per month to care for this little one (this will drop after the first 6 months – the milk is the greatest expense). Any donations towards this cost gratefully received – email for details.

13466304_10153913738053411_411964588169153316_n Baby_serval