While tagging vultures in Liwonde National Park, we spotted an immature Egyptian vulture – the first recorded sighting of this Endangered species in Malawi!
This is the second time we’ve confirmed a vulture species never before recorded in Malawi – back in 2018 we also recorded the first sighting of a Critically Endangered Rüppell’s vulture. These sightings demonstrate the value of long-term monitoring work in Liwonde National Park, and are critical in developing conservation tools for these wide-ranging threatened species.
Our Conserving Malawi’s Vultures project is supported by Fondation Segré through IUCN Save Our Species. The project is run in partnership with the Department of National Parks and Wildlife, Endangered Wildlife Trust, African Parks, Hawk Conservancy Trust, The Peregrine Fund and Wageningen University & Research with additional funding provided by Prince Bernhard Nature Fund.
Photos by André Botha.