
Adoption profile: Spotty

Adopting an animal is a fantastic way to support the work at Lilongwe Wildlife Centre, Malawi’s only wildlife sanctuary. Spotty came to the Wildlife Centre on 31 July 2015 after being found on the road in Lilongwe. A friend of the centre noticed that they couldn’t fly and that there were dogs around the area. […]

Adopting an animal is a fantastic way to support the work at Lilongwe Wildlife Centre, Malawi’s only wildlife sanctuary.

Spotty came to the Wildlife Centre on 31 July 2015 after being found on the road in Lilongwe. A friend of the centre noticed that they couldn’t fly and that there were dogs around the area. They were worried that they would be eaten or killed by a car and so brought them to our sanctuary for assistance.

On closer inspection by our veterinarian it was discovered that Spotty has deformities in the bone structure in their wing and had a broken collar bone. These injuries make them unable to coordinate their wings to have a stable flight. Unfortunately, we have been unable to mend this injury so Spotty remains at the Wildlife Centre where they can be taken care of. They are a friendly owl and like to watch people pass by.

Due to their injuries Spotty does not need a big aviary in which to fly. However, they do like to be high off the ground, from where they can observe their surroundings and feel safe from predators as would be necessary in the wild. Our volunteers have lovingly created a number of climbing structures for Spotty, including perches, beams and ladders up to their own elevated nest box. They are able to hop between these constructions to enjoy the full extent of their enclosure.

Spotty, our owl being rehabilitated
Spotty - owl with broken collar bone
Spotty the owl at LWC Summer 2019_LWC_sanctuary

Despite their lack of flight, Spotty is an inquisitive and adventurous owl. Spotty spends their days happily sat up high watching all the goings-on at the centre and always makes our team smile when suspiciously eyeing them up whilst feeding the other animals.

Spotty’s accommodating nature also meant we were able to successfully pair them with another spotted eagle-owl. Together with their new friend Icarus, they will live out their days happily at Lilongwe Wildlife Centre.

To give Spotty a £25 sponsorship for one year, please click donate below.
