
Caroline, 32, Scotland – December 2014

I’ve just come to the end of my two weeks at the Centre and week at Kuti Reserve. Both were great experiences and completely different. At the Wildlife Centre you are part of a team of volunteers and staff who work closely together to look after the animals, many of whom have been mistreated or […]

I’ve just come to the end of my two weeks at the Centre and week at Kuti Reserve. Both were great experiences and completely different. At the Wildlife Centre you are part of a team of volunteers and staff who work closely together to look after the animals, many of whom have been mistreated or orphaned. It can be hard work, but that is what you sign up for. The reward of seeing the animals flourish and well on their way back to the wild is amazing. Kuti was a bit more chilled but the wildlife and community projects are really interesting. It was nice to be out in the bush, seeing all of the wildlife in their natural environment. If you’re interested in wildlife, conservation and community development you’ll find it a rewarding and eye-opening experience.