
Marie Therese Heggen, 24, Norway – March 2016 Wildlife Rehabilitation Course

I had a great experience and a lovely time during the course. It gave me a lot of new knowledge and taught me to rethink some of my ideas and the way I think about certain things. I liked that the group was so small and that everyone could get the opportunity to try everything. […]

I had a great experience and a lovely time during the course. It gave me a lot of new knowledge and taught me to rethink some of my ideas and the way I think about certain things. I liked that the group was so small and that everyone could get the opportunity to try everything. I enjoyed both the theoretical and the practical work and liked the way the theoretical lectures were put into practice during the practical work. The trip to Kasungu was a great way to end the course! The sundowner at Black Rock was amazing! Thank you!