

Sprog has been with us for a month now and has been improving to no end! He has been introduced to some fellow vervet monkeys – Target (our very best and well experienced foster mum) and Bumi, an orphan that came in earlier this year and has been fostered by Target for a while. It’s […]

Sprog has been with us for a month now and has been improving to no end! He has been introduced to some fellow vervet monkeys – Target (our very best and well experienced foster mum) and Bumi, an orphan that came in earlier this year and has been fostered by Target for a while. It’s early days but the integration of Sprog with this pair is going very well! Target has taken to him splendidly, but it’s Bumi who’s the shining star….she’s acting like a protective big sister to Sprog, showing him the ropes, grooming him, proving to be a great play-mate, and generally keeping an eye on him making sure he’s ok. It must be nervewracking for these babies that have been through so much already but we try to make processes like this (which are integral to their development and future) go as smoothly as possible, and Bumi has stepped up to this remarkably.

Sprog’s story has even been picked up by popular animal blogging site The Dodo!

Read the story and see his latest photos 

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